
Threat analysis tool based on Machine Learning

Threat analysis tool based on Machine Learning


It is a threat monitoring and assessment tool aimed at facilitating the deployment of a new generation of network situational awareness services in a healthcare organization.


  • -Use of Artificial Intelligence methods.
  • -Use of Machine & Deep Learning methods
  • -Use of advanced Big Data Visualization and Analysis techniques.
  • -Use of virtual honeypots that mimic the behavior of regular IoMT devices and networks.
  • -Use of homomorphic encryption techniques.


  • cause analysis to determine the source of any threat and its assessment
  • direct access to sensitive data collected and/or managed by endpoints
  • zero-knowledge proof interactions to ensure data integrity
  • dynamic investigation and visualization of endpoint data to detect zero-day exploits, sophisticated cyber attacks and detect and prevent cyber attacks on a central system, medical device and hospital network
  • dynamic risk assessment for real-time assessment of network activity

The project Cybercare is implemented under the National Action Plan: « Research – Create – Innovate» and is co-financed by the European Union and Greek national resources through the OP. Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (EPANEK).
The project started in October 2021 and is expected to be completed in November 2023.
Scientific co-ordinator is Dr. Konstantinos. Votis and project co-ordinator is Dr. Dimitrios Tzovaras from CERTH/ITI.
