
Management, trust and identification platform based on Blockchain technology

Management, trust and identification platform based on Blockchain technology


The trust management & identification platform based on Blockchain technology, will enhance the joint secure collaboration of entities (manufacturers, healthcare providers) & maximize trust between them.

The CyberCare Project:

  • will develop Blockchain technologies
  • will exercise them in the environments of medical networks and medical devices (confirmation of transactions)
  • will make use of smart contracts to enhance the accountability of users (i.e. patients, healthcare professionals and third parties)
  • will be used to manage trust in use case settings and to solve many problems of traditional authentication systems.


  • -Use of the Blockchain platform


  • The formation of a secure and reliable environment through management and identification
  • The use of an information traceability mechanism
  • The dissemination of data

The project Cybercare is implemented under the National Action Plan: « Research – Create – Innovate» and is co-financed by the European Union and Greek national resources through the OP. Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (EPANEK).
The project started in October 2021 and is expected to be completed in November 2023.
Scientific co-ordinator is Dr. Konstantinos. Votis and project co-ordinator is Dr. Dimitrios Tzovaras from CERTH/ITI.
